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Do I Need Professional Portable Radio Repair?

October 11, 2024
Many, if not most, major corporations, public utilities, and public safety organizations use portable two-way radios. Whether these are mounted in a vehicle or handheld radios that are carried by personnel- two-way radio repairs are important to the mission-critical functions of everyday business. This makes handheld radio repair from factory-trained repair technicians necessary when repairing…

Many, if not most, major corporations, public utilities, and public safety organizations use portable two-way radios. Whether these are mounted in a vehicle or handheld radios that are carried by personnel– two-way radio repairs are important to the mission-critical functions of everyday business. This makes handheld radio repair from factory-trained repair technicians necessary when repairing new or original parts of a two-way radio.

What’s great about most two way radio systems is, the technology has been around for a long time and the function and durability of these devices are the driving factors when it comes to quality assurance. That means they are durable, have long-lasting batteries, and can take a lot of abuse. The downside to their durability is, we tend to take for granted that they will keep working forever. These important pieces of communications equipment can potentially take us by surprise when they suddenly stop working. A professional radio mechanic , Motorola radio repair center will take care of these situations when they arise. Handling these repairs is what a two way radio mechanic does.

So what do we do when we find ourselves in need of portable radio repair? More importantly, how can we prevent our portable radios from breaking down unexpectedly, leaving our teams in the lurch?

The Difference Between Portable and Mobile Radios

The two types of commercial two way radios; “portable” and “mobile” are often confused. This is because the two words mean the same thing in most contexts. But in the two way radio industry, a portable radio is one that is carried by a person and a mobile radio is mounted and stabilized inside a vehicle.

How Often Should Mobile and Portable Motorola Radios be Repaired?

For the average two way radio system, units should have their batteries replaced every two and a half to three years. In most cases, this is where companies run into trouble with their two way radio systems. More often than not, departments looking to save time and money will go online and buy the first battery they see that looks like the battery they have been tasked to replace.

Knock off batteries tend to be of lower quality and can even be defective and damage the radios they are used in. What’s more, using knock off or no-name batteries can void a warranty. It can also remove any opportunity to obtain professional-grade service and parts replacement by a reputable source, like Altech Electronics.  One of the advantages of today’s best commercial two way radios is that high-quality batteries last long enough to establish a reasonable timeline on which to base your maintenance schedule.

What Two Way Radio Components are Replaced Most Often?

As mentioned above, two-way radio technology has come a long way over the years- perhaps owing to its military origins, even though two-way radios are no longer just military portable radios. But the parts of these devices that break most are not the delicate internal components. Rather, it is the external grip surfaces and other protruding elements of the exterior. The most common replacement parts are the clip with the holster, the antenna, and the battery.

When it comes to replacing and servicing your radio, trust the pros at Altech Electronics

Altech specializes in Motorola portable radio repair. For example, Benton Dixon called Altech to service their 135 radios, four repeaters and combiner on their New Jersey campus. For years, their radios weren’t working properly. They called the company they ordered from who came out to fix them but didn’t deliver results for some reason. Then they called Altech and as it turned out, their antennas were broken at the base from rough use. Now, their radios are working better than ever.

Mobile Radio Repair Takeaways

  • Portable radios work best with factory-matched batteries
  • External components are far more vulnerable than well-protected internal components
  • Altech repair professionals look at the whole radio, not just the insides

If your organization depends heavily on well-functioning two-way radios, get in touch with the pros at our walke talkie repair shop when it comes time for Motorola two way radio repairs. Our mobile radio repair mechanics can fix your radios at our location or fix them at our our two way radio repair center

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